In This Video, We're going to talk about HOW and WHY we're raising $10,000,000 For Real Estate! #Syndication This is ALL part of a GRAND master plan... The MAIN reason why we're raising a large amount of capital is due to the long-anticipated recession that may happen in 2020. We've been tracking this economy since 2017 and we're predicting that there may be a recession that could take place in 2020. Here's How YOU can prepare for the 2020 Recession: Our plan is to take advantage of the DISCOUNTED price of real estate during the recession. We're going to be raising $10,000,000 For this opportunity moment. Not only does this help us grow our passive income but it also helps us to grow our wealth. The Secondary reason why we're raising $10,000,000 For Real Estate is to solve the problems of many high net-worth individuals. Many high net-worth individuals are actively seeking investments and opportunities to invest their money. Vice versa, we're seeking these very same individuals to potentially partner with them on large scale deals. Now... HOW we're raising $10,000,000 For Real Estate is by creating something called a "Thought Leadership Platform" such as a reoccurring workshop, MeetUps, Seminars, and Mastermind events in your local market. This helps you by positioning yourself to be an expert as well as someone with an authority. As we do this, we get a countless number of individuals that APPROACH US to offer their funds to invest. If you're not an "expert" yet, one thing you CAN do is invite guest speakers who are the experts to come speak at your events. Now, if you're absolutely clueless about real estate investing and how to structure a deal, you may need to rethink about whether you SHOULD be raising capital or not. Because Raising $10 Million For Real Estate Deals DOES take experience, knowledge, and the wisdom to know what to do with the money. Otherwise, you'll get yourself into quite a bit of trouble. If you'd like a FREE Copy of Our Physical Book, "0 To 75 Rental Units In Just 1 Year", Go To: #raisingcapital #realestateinvesting 😃 Thanks for Subscribing & Liking our Video! The Kwak Brothers are millennial real estate investors who have acquired over 82 Units of Rental Units and have raised over $20,000,000 of capital for their real estate deals. They are based out of the Chicago-land area and they are dedicated to helping hard-working people become financially free real estate investor! They specialize in owner financing acquisition and raising capital. They are the creator of the FORCE Strategy (Find the deal, Owner Finance It, Raise the Capital, Cashflow It, and Expand your Financial Freedom) 📊 GET OUR FREE HELOC STRATEGY CALCULATOR & EBOOK: 📋 SIGN UP FOR OUR FREE OWNER FINANCING COURSE: 💻 JOIN OUR FREE FACEBOOK MASTERMIND GROUP: GET SOCIAL WITH US: 📣Facebook: 📣Instagram: 🔊 📧 Hire the Kwak Brothers to Speak: #realestateinvesting #thekwakbrothers #realestate ======================== Video Created by: Christopher Dorsano - Creative Director ---DISCLAIMER--- The suggestions, advice, and/or opinions that are given by Sam Kwak (The Kwak Brothers) are simply opinions. There are no guarantees of set outcomes. Listeners, guests, and attendees are advised to always consult with attorneys, accountants, and other licensed professionals when doing a real estate investment transaction. Listeners, guests, and attendees are to hold Sam Kwak, Novo Elite, Inc., and the Kwak Brothers brand harmless from any liabilities and claims. Not all deals will guarantee any profit or benefits. Listeners, guests, and attendees are to view and listen to all materials and contents furnished by the Kwak Brothers as a perspective based upon experience.